Show Schedule
February 23 - Private Event - James, with Riley Baugus and Leo Shannon, for NC Women's Agricultural Group. Winston-Salem, NC
February 25 - 3PM with Riley Baugus and Leo Shannon at Listen Speakeasy Greensboro NC, Contact listenspeakeasy@earthlink.net.
March 16 - James with Riley Baugus and Leo Shannon Nightlight Bar and Club 425 Rosemary St., Chapel Hill NC. 8PM www.nightlightclub.com
August 3 - Old Masters’ Showcase, Appalachian String Band Festival, Clifftop WV, 1PM in Chestnut Lodge
August 10 - Ballad Singing Concert (with Bobby McMillan and Rick Ward) Charlottesville VA, 7PM
August 11 - Ballad Singing Concert (with Bobby McMillan and Rick Ward) Library of Congress (Mumford Room in Madison Building), Washington DC, 7PM
August 26 - Concert (with Al Tharp and Leo Shannon), Liberty Hall (Washington & Lee University), Lexington VA., 4PM
August 31 - Concert with John Doyle and Danny Knicely Lime Kiln Arts, Lexington VA
September 29 - Concert (with Leo Shannon) Democratic Fundraiser, Winston-Salem, NC
November 9 - Concert (with Riley Baugus and Leo Shannon) The ‘Boro Sessions at Double Oaks Greensboro NC
November 10 - Concert (with Riley Baugus and Leo Shannon) The Front Porch Charlottesville, VA